November 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

See inside :
Jubilee Forum, Nov. 5, 2022, 9-10am, Free
Join the Jubilee Mexico Trip in March 14-25, 2023
Alter-Nativas Project Applies for Grant Support
Fruit Tree Distribution by San Mateo Circle
Grace Gyori’s Important Book Being Released
The Birth of Jesus—Why It Is Transforming, though Christmas Isn’t
Review of The Liberating Birth of Jesus
Needed: People in the Jubilee Network to Help Look for Funding

August 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

JEM is announcing a series of one-hour, monthly “Jubilee Forums,” on the first Saturday of the month, STARTING SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, 9 am Pacific Daylight Time. The first Forum will be on “Jubilee and Climate Breakdown.” Seeing that Jesus framed his entire ministry on Jubilee, we will too. There is no charge.

June 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

How to align our money with our values for a more just world has been an aim of Jubilee Economics since our inception (2020). It is also part of the current Jubilee Covenant. Recently, the San Diego Jubilee Circle met for an hour and a half with financial advisor Andy Loving to help us put more nuts and bolts into what we can all do with our money to contribute to a more ecologically and socially just economy.