New Creation—What Christmas Misses

Christmas can bring beauty, romance, arousal of tender feelings, and new-found love.  Yet, how much conversion to shared, OneEarth living happens. How many people left the systems oppressing life and ran to the systems of the evolving new creation that are regenerating life? The birth story of Jesus can do this. But Christmas? Not likely.

Episode 01/22—Chuck Collins on the Industry That Protects Wealth and How It Hurts Everyone

Most people feel on the outside of extreme wealth. Some aspire to it. Many are offended by it and consider it immoral—even evil. For most of us it’s a sideshow. But Chuck Collins, our guest today, says, “No! It’s not a sideshow. It’s the main show. It affects all of us.” We pay the taxes that build what everyone uses. They avoid taxes, sometimes paying none, taking no responsibility for the common good though they benefit from it.