November 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

See inside :
Jubilee Forum, Nov. 5, 2022, 9-10am, Free
Join the Jubilee Mexico Trip in March 14-25, 2023
Alter-Nativas Project Applies for Grant Support
Fruit Tree Distribution by San Mateo Circle
Grace Gyori’s Important Book Being Released
The Birth of Jesus—Why It Is Transforming, though Christmas Isn’t
Review of The Liberating Birth of Jesus
Needed: People in the Jubilee Network to Help Look for Funding

How to Talk about Population amid Collapse

As anxiety and fear intensify around the breakdowns in nature and societies, conversations increase. People wonder: How do we hold civilization together? What fixes work? How can we pay for the massive fixes necessary? What if we’ve passed the tipping point and civilization does collapse? What then?

Changing Climate + Growing Population = Collapse

Population has been largely left out of the equation during the decades-long talk about climate breakdown. Nonetheless, babies keep coming. On November 15, 2022, the human population on Earth will pass 8 billion. It took millennia for human global population to get to 2.3 billion where it was in 1940 when my baby version came along. Since then, humans on Earth have multiplied 3.5 times. Nature’s disasters have kept pace; one million species are predicted by U.N. scientists to go extinct this century.

That’s a huge unraveling of creation’s interdependent life support systems that sustain human life.