This Simpler Living OneEarth Podcast is a co-production of Simple Living Works! and The Common Good Podcast (OneEarth Jubilee).
In this episode we give a better way to think about life after the pandemic than getting back to doing what we did before. How do we get from this stage of life with the pandemic and other multiple crises to a better world than we had before. We need new systems that support life for all instead of hyper profits for some that grow the punishing disparities everywhere we look in our societies.
As you listen the questions are, “How can I now choose for the future instead of choosing to get back to how I was doing it? How can I choose for a planet in balance for the wellbeing of all beings?”
We depend heavily on the work of Nafeez Ahmed as presented in an article in YES! magazine, summer 2020 edition.
“The Light at the End” Nafeez Ahmed in YES! magazine, summer 2020 issue.
NAFEEZ AHMED is executive director of the System Shift Lab, editor of the crowdfunded platform INSURGE intelligence, and research fellow at the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems.