May 2021 Jubileo: News & Updates

The climate emergency isn’t coming, it’s now … and it’s been with us for some time. We have a deadline. 2030, the year that hundreds of international scientists have agreed is the deadline for actions to keep Earth from heating over 1.5° above pre-industrial levels. Beyond that, Earth will force our lives to change far beyond anything we want. And the changes will be beyond our control. Some congregations, faith organizations, and faith-based campuses are hurrying to develop actions that help save life on our planet. Others aren’t.

April 2021 News: Appreciating Earth Day 2021 with Spiritual Practices

Once upon a time, San Cristobal de Las Casas was surrounded by wetlands. Over the years, these wetlands have been cemented over and now have houses, supermarkets, roads, and a bottling plant sitting on top of their graves. Now, though experts vary on how many wetlands remain here, many agree that around 25% remain in our precious community. Why are the wetlands so important to us?

February 2021 News

Jubilee Is a Vigorous Practice of Participatory Democracy Democracy! In recent months we’ve experienced great tension between energies intent on democracy versus more authoritarian ways. Black history month! A strong reminder that skin color is not a reason to exclude anyone from the fullness of democratic systems. Jubilee! The biblical Jubilee is inherently committed to…