June 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

How to align our money with our values for a more just world has been an aim of Jubilee Economics since our inception (2020). It is also part of the current Jubilee Covenant. Recently, the San Diego Jubilee Circle met for an hour and a half with financial advisor Andy Loving to help us put more nuts and bolts into what we can all do with our money to contribute to a more ecologically and socially just economy.

May 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

Please Put More Gas in Our Tank

From JEM’s beginning we have understood that the biblical Jubilee has always been a movement of resistance against injustices, and that creating alternatives resists by showing a better way. Jubilee has never been the ruling system, but it has effectively created “contrast societies”—small enclaves of people who have resisted the MultiEarth ways of domination by creating…

April 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

Want to see what the San Mateo Jubilee Circle is doing? Now you can. Short of traveling there, we invite you to a Virtual Trip, Saturday, June 18, 9 am-12 pm PST. In just three hours you can meet some of the members of the Jubilee Circle there and some of the people who participate in the activities of the Dan Swanson Centro Cultural—a kind of community center.

February 2022 Jubileo: News & Updates

Much of the work for change, from teaching to policy-making to street activism, is less than it could be because it overlooks the sacredness of all that is. Many of us in our learning, though schooled in many good skills, were not trained to heighten our ability to detect the Spirit’s powerful flows. Consider this. Earth science has discovered in the past 25 years that 80% or all known life on our planet is underground, and that the activity of those species has enormous impact in generating life. This discovery vastly changes how we think about soil and work with its powers. The same happens when we discover the flows of Spirit.