Launching JEM’s 25th Year
Isai Robledo created this graphic for our 25th year. He is part of the San Cristobal Jubilee Circle in Chiapas, MX. He and his wife, Lindsey, lead the Alter-Nativas ministries which include administering the Tumín currency for the region. When Isai sent this art piece he wrote:
First, thank you so much for allowing me to create the artwork to help celebrate Jubilee´s 25th anniversary. I enjoyed creating this illustration, selecting some elements that have been important to Jubilee´s history. Migration, organic agriculture, urban gardening, solidarity to Indigenous communities, medical help, environmental awareness, workshops, and, of course, Dan Swanson.
Amazingly, all of these Jubilee elements are included. Study the graphic to see how many you can find. Click on the graphic to enlarge.
A Jubilee Economy Is a Local Economy
Collaboration Between JEM and Self-Help Credit Union
Jubilee favors strengthening the local economy. When we buy from a business, that money will exchange hands in the local economy up to seven times on average. Buy from a supermarket or chain store and our money transfers out of the community and is put into the hands of corporate investors.
An important question for each of us is, “Where do we bank?” Because money talks, we want it to speak good news to the underserved of our local community. Locally owned banks and credit unions do that; mega-banks do not. Deposit our money in a big bank and our voice goes mute as those dollars become part of funds that underwrite fossil fuel projects and weapons builders. Deposits locally go to fund local projects.
This is why Jubilee and Self-Help Credit Union continue to develop our partnership. The photo of John Michno, Lee Van Ham, and some SHCU staff was taken after an hour and a half to understand more thoroughly how our missions converge and how we can mutually benefit one another in JEM’s 25th year. Both of us have the mission to foster greater economic justice locally.
We agreed
- To have a conversation with a local funding expert and to learn more about the Hope Credit Union model.
- To seek funding from a federal grant for local regenerative farms we connect with through the Food Shed Cooperative and the San Diego Food Systems Alliance.
- To refer people to Self-Help’s free financial coaching.
- To urge people to find better local banking choices through the Better Banking Options website, unless, of course, Self-Help is already their banking choice.
Grotesque Inequality: What’s It Doing to Us?
Chuck Collins, Expert on Inequality Will Be Our Guest
Our economic system has moved enormous amounts of money from low and middle-income people to the top. Billionaires can’t happen if the economic system aims to distribute a country’s financial activity evenly, fairly.
Don’t miss the free, one-hour Jubilee Forum on February 1, 9 am Pacific time, via Zoom. Our guest will be Chuck Collins who works with the Institute for Policy Studies on a program called Inequality and the Common Good. Register by email to and you will receive the Zoom link.
“Extreme inequalities of income, wealth and opportunity are disrupting democracy, social solidarity and mobility, economic stability, and many other aspects of our personal and public lives. The Program on Inequality and the Common Good focuses on these and other dangers that income and wealth disparities pose for the U.S.”
You can also hear a podcast Gerald Iversen and I created with Chuck Collins after he wrote his book, Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions. Here’s the link to the podcast.
Summary of Yobel School’s Ministries in 2024
by Director Pedro Robledo
Our main efforts this past year were to move forward with our formal and non-formal biblical training work; either online or in person. The levels have been from undergraduate to postgraduate.
These academic degrees are now offered in agreement with the University of Chiapas-Christian University. In addition, we established cooperation alliances with new institutions of theological education such as the Claretian University of Colombia, the Pontifical Catholic University of Curitiba, Brazil and the Seminary Mexican Nazarene.
In accordance with our vision and mission, we have been engaged in the development of the leadership of evangelical churches. Men and women from local churches in communities and cities have participated in our courses. A few days ago we had student graduations in Tapachula and Oaxaca City. As in other years, we have prepared a narrative and photographic report of our work done.
Our contextual biblical-theological education project will continue with its objectives and work goals from an Interculturality and interdenominationalism. In the midst of the reality of poverty, insecurity, violence and environmental deterioration that we are experiencing, we will continue promoting the signs of the jubilee taught and lived by Jesus Christ.
Emergency: Laptop Has Failed; Yobel School Can’t Teach
Can You Help?
Yobel School began 15 years ago out of the vision of Dan Swanson and Pedro Robledo. But there is an emergency now early in this new year that threatens the above ministries.
Pedro’s laptop, after months of being troublesome, has failed. Pedro Robledo, director, uses that laptop for everything that he does online. He tried to launch a new online course this past week, but couldn’t. Laptop failure.
He has sent an urgent request for $800 to buy a new laptop. JEM has advanced him that amount immediately. If you can contribute to this unexpected need, please send JEM a check or contribute online. And please designate “for laptop.” The teaching of eager students must go on!
Immigration Surprise!
from Edman and Rosy in Tapachula

Edman, Rosy and Children
Very recently, we had an experience as a family. In the city of Tapachula, we had received three brothers from Venezuela, recommended by a pastor from Brazil (Marcelo Leites); in this case, it was his father-in-law and nephew; also his brother-in-law. They told us that they already had permission from the immigration authorities to be able to travel to Tuxtla Gutiérrez (the capital of Chiapas), so we took them in our car to our home in Huixtla.
Everything was going well until we reached the last checkpoint, which was very close to Huixtla (in the previous two they didn’t even stop us). Here, they asked us to get out of the car. They inspected both the car and all of us, including our whole family. We were about to be brought to Mexican justice. They explained to us that the migrants cannot be transported in a private car. They took the case to the local chief who, to the astonishment of the lower-ranking guards, told us that we could continue forward. Time and time again we have seen the hand of our God in our pastoral work. The migrants were with us for a weekend and then went on their way.
The pastoral work has continued, and we continue to support the brothers and churches of the Sierra Madre of Chiapas. Also with the training of young people and leaders of seminars and the local church.
More Bits of News from Circles in Mexico
Following the last election in Mexico, David Delgado, San Mateo Circle, became the Director of Service to Organizations of Civil and Religious Society. This appointment serves the state of Puebla. David volunteers in his Jubilee Circle as Communications Advisor to Jubilee Economics Ministries, and the Project Director of the Daniel Swanson Cultural Center. David’s a busy man and loves Jubilee. He and Mariana, his wife, also lead a youth group that offers opportunities to youth otherwise unavailable.
- The peso-dollar exchange rate has returned close to where it was when Jubilee redistributions from the U.S. to Mexico Circles began. Is this a result of Mexico’s new president? Whatever the reason, this means that redistributions are worth nearly 20% more in 2025 than they had been for several years. Thanks to all donors for stepping up donations in recent years to meet the challenge. We hope you will continue your donations at the higher level. The Circles need that extra and more.
In 2025 and Beyond: Anticipating Great Creativity
Counterpoint to Four Years of MAGA, Oligarchy Horrors
When God began to create the heavens and the earth,
the earth was complete chaos, and darkness covered the face of the deep,
while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Chaos and creativity are two poles of one reality. Just as a battery needs positive and negative poles to deliver energy, so do we. And when we do, enormous creativity emerges across society.
This was the topic at the January Jubilee Forum, the first in our 25th Anniversary Year. It is also the topic of an essay I wrote and posted to the OneEarth Connections Substack account. I have over 50 subscribers. Please consider becoming another. Take a look at the many essays on the OneEarth Connections site.