Water Scarcity
Now Affecting Jubilee Circles and Many Globally
Water shortages have become acute in many parts of the world, including some parts of the U.S. Jubilee’s three Circles in Mexico are all being hit hard and pray for rain. Conservation steps must be taken at a policy level. Individual efforts can go only so far to conserve water. Injustices in the distribution of water need to be addressed in Mexico and elsewhere. The American Museum of Natural History notes how uneven freshwater is available—“half of the world’s freshwater can be found in only six countries. More than a billion people live without enough safe, clean water.” And a professor at Aarhuis University in Denmark has determined that “there will be no water by 2040 if we keep doing what we’re doing today”.
Angelica in San Mateo writes,
Last year we paid 25 dollars for each trip of water, currently we are paying the equivalent of 75 dollars for each trip and due to the scarcity of water we must put ourselves on a waiting list until it is our turn. We are praying for rain and talking with candidates (because we are in a campaign to elect our municipal president) to look for solutions. We are saving water more than ever so that we will be able to buy water at the end of the month.
During the Zoom Gathering of Circles in April the dire shortage of water in San Mateo was added to by both Tapachula and San Cristobal. Edman (Tapachula) explained that their area is having water troubles because there’s been no rain. And Lindsey (San Cristobal) said that they had joined in promoting a petition to boycott Coke. The petition collected over 20,000 signatures in March alone. Mexico is the largest per capita consumer of Coke in the world. It’s a huge water issue because Coke plants are drawing down water in the aquifers faster than the aquifers are filling.
Photo of water by mrjn Photography on Unsplash
“Without Music There Is No Revolution”
Music and cultural arts are part of the Alter-Nativas bi-monthly markets where people who make soaps, body care products, and medicines can display and sell their work. Healthy, organic produce from yards and urban farms is also sold as well as crafts produced by the sellers. The Tumín currency is used. Music, folk arts, and poetry readings are part of the mix.
Isai Robledo is an excellent artist and musician along with his other many skills in agro-agriculture, community organizer, and workshop leader. His art designs on poster announcements are commissioned by other organizations. He believes the conviction that was articulated during the democratic triumph of Salvador Allende in Chile, “Without song, there is no revolution.” Isai currently teaches three guitar classes of ten students in each class. Jubilee aspires to more fully embody the slogan, “Without Music there is No Revolution.”
Empathy for Migrants Growing in Tapachula thru Hardship
In the daily flow of migrants crossing from Guatemala into Mexico, near Tapachula, some connect with Edman Orel Lopez and spouse Rosy for nourishment and lodging. To add to their challenges, recently, drug trafficking cartels have displaced 40 people who need help as they seek to relocate. Paradoxically, a benefit from this trauma of having citizens in the area displaced has increased empathy among the people for all migrants. Some of the people in various small, rural congregations whom Edman pastors, have given temporary lodging to migrants—some for days, some for many weeks. Food, rest, healing are constant needs for the migrants. So too are contacting family, attending to spiritual nourishment, and planning for their safe future.
Jubilee Experiencing Connections in a Global Network
A year ago OneEarth Jubilee applied to be part of the global network of United Religions Initiative (URI) by becoming one of a thousand-plus Cooperation Circles. The application was joyfully accepted. Since then the mutual benefits to the Jubilee Circles and to other URI Cooperation Circles are being activated. Examples:
- JEM received a Sowing Seeds Grant for immigration work in both Tapachula and San Diego.
- Tahil Sharma, regional coordinator for North American, and Jubilee Circles have been learning about one another. In March Tahil participated in the meeting of the SD Jubilee Circle when that Circle invited Angelica from San Mateo. In April, Tahil and Edman from Tapachula learned about one another the same way. Tahil, fluent in Spanish, also served as translator. The SD Jubilee participants got to know Tahil, Angelica, and Edman better in the process. Tahil is helping us link with other Cooperation Circles with whom we share common ministries and interests.
- Everyone (yes, that’s you too) is invited to the monthly Gathering for the Earth hosted by Lauren Van Ham, eco-minister and URI Climate Coordinator. The one-hour gathering is the first Tuesday of the month at 7 am Pacific Time. It’s a great opportunity to feel solidarity with people in other lands who are responsible for life on our planet. Inspiring. Contact Lauren, laurenvanham@gmail.com.
Financial Update
Big, big thanks to all who have increased your donations to compensate for the currency exchange rate that has lowered the U.S. dollar 15% compared to the Mexican peso. It’s not a good feeling to see a $100 donation become $85 or a $1000 donation become $850. We’re trying to stand with our wonderful Mexican ministries, so they do not have to bear the brunt of this.
We continue to seek new donations in 2024 from people who’ve never donated to JEM. U.S. donations have not grown as fast as the Mexico ministries have matured into robust programs. Help us, please.
The Strongman Illusion in the Gospels and Today
The May 4 Jubilee Forum (9 am PDT) focused on the strongman model of leadership that is being given a lot of credence in various parts of the world, including the U.S. In preparation for this Forum I posted four essays to the OneEarth Connections Substack account https://leevanham.substack.com Anyone can read these posts whether or not you choose to participate in the forums. At the same time, (1) the forums are proving to be stimulating as participants exchange thoughts and frequently write emails to one another following, and (2) forums are recorded and can be sent upon request.
Gospels: Who Is Stronger than the Strongman
Danger: The Strongman Has Refused His Calling
Strongman: Bullies and Abdicators Are Twins in Disorder
Healing: Can the Strongman Heal and Become a New Self?
The June 1 one-hour Jubilee Forum will be on “Joining the Uprising of Jesus for Today.” It’s free. If you’ve never participated in a forum, send your request to lee@jubilee-economics.org.
Doing Theology from Below in San Cristobal—It’s Jubilee

Gloria Gonzales
Gloria Gonzales does theology from below. This contrasts with theologies shaped in empires, superpowers, or dominant economies and cultures and then “brought” to people in cultures of the margins. Women who are marginalized and held back by patriarchal systems seek a spirituality that truly brings them liberation from below. In San Cristobal, Gloria constantly assures them that such liberation is possible and affirms their spiritual wisdom. She connects their insights with the biblical Jubilee, which is not at all a forced connection, but a natural one because the worldview of Jubilee is shaped from below—shaped by people marginalized by the dominant systems of the culture. As one of the women with whom she works, Gloria reports on the money saving groups that women have created as they work in communities and vulnerably share what they need for their liberation. Women continue to grow things and work with soil, finding ways to benefit from their work. And Gloria livestreams on Facebook where she interviews others engaged in the creative work of a Solidarity or Jubilee Economy and working together to affirm the liberation from below.