The Covenant recognizes that food is tightly connected with water use, land use, and over-population. Even so, emphasizing all four at once quickly overloads us. So we’ll emphasize food first, even as our thought and action will often overlap with water and land use as well as over-population.
The Covenant says:
Food, Land, Water Structures and Over-population Eating—In a global, unstable, industrial food supply system, and recognizing that what and where I eat is a strong lever for system change…
_____I will buy from the most local suppliers, from local growers, from farmers markets, and grow some of what I eat.
_____I will eat a largely plant-based diet, low-meat, avoid sodas, and drink clean, unbottled water. All I eat and drink will be as local as possible.
_____I will eat organic because it assures healthy soils without chemical toxins added to the land and animals are treated humanely instead of the factory farm industry that supplies nearly all meats as they devastate soils and water at devastating speeds.
TOP PRIORITY: If you can focus on only one component in the Covenant, focus on this one. How we eat is likely the action of greatest impact that we, of ordinary means and power, can take. Nothing else we do gets at the structures that need changing quite as effectively as how we eat throughout a day. The majority of our food decisions make a difference. Each decision is either for our planet’s OneEarth ways or against them, and in support of industry’s MultiEarth ways. Acting jointly with others exponentially increases your impact. So, organize.
Here’s the complete guide (pdf) to this component of the Covenant.