“We appreciate the incredible amount of ministry done with so few dollars.” — Steve and Dana Gehring
Support Our Mission
Your faithful giving creates structures of the biblical OneEarth Jubilee that work for unserved people and changes lives.
To date, donors give in many ways:
- checks through the mail are the most common donations
- some donations come from IRA distributions
- some donations come through donor-advised charitable trusts
- one person sends shares of stock
- another donor is a member of Thrivent Financial and sends donations through them. Thrivent serves faith communities in financial planning and giving. Any person of faith can use Thrivent’s financial services.
- giving online is becoming more common. Please complete the information below. We welcome online giving and also remind you of what you already know: online giving always has service fees so JEM never receives the full amount of your donation.
Please note: To receive a donation receipt you will need to enter your personal information below
(name and email address). Thank you.