Leadership Team

Lee Van Ham

Lee Van Ham

Board Member
John Michno

John Michno

Financial Officer
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser

Board President
Lindsey Mercer-Robledo

Lindsey Mercer-Robledo

Board Secretary
Gerald Iversen

Gerald Iversen

Podcast Co-Producer
Kyle Holberg

Kyle Holberg

Web/Newsletter Editor & Database Manager
Edman Orel Lopez

Edman Orel Lopez

Mexican Advisor
Emo Yango

Emo Yango

Intercultural & Interfaith Advisor
Marco Tavanti

Marco Tavanti

Advisor for Nonprofit Leadership
Barry Shelley

Barry Shelley

Advisor for Economics

Barry is a lecturer at Boston University's Pardee School of Global Studies. He led teams and was a researcher focusing on the political economy of international development and the environment, particularly in rural areas of the Global South. His areas of expertise include sustainable rural development; the promise and limits of smallholder agriculture as a driver of development in the Global South; community-led development; collective action to promote sustainable agriculture, especially in watersheds, including instruments for rewards for ecosystem service stewardship; sustainable development practice and theories of change; Central America; and cooperation between rigorous research resources and non-governmental development organizations.

Part of San Cristobal Jubilee Circle